Wall Repair Costs (Moisture, Humidity, Plaster Spills)
It doesn't matter if you're a landlord or a tenant. If there are black spots, wet spots, bandages and paint spills on the inner walls of the house you live in, you shouldn't underestimate it. This affects the health of you and your home. You must support a professional painting company. But you don’t know how much the wall repair costs are and you might be afraid it’s too much, but for your health, you need to intervene immediately. We can state the main causes of humidity as weather conditions, leaks in the water pipes and not ventilating the rooms sufficiently. Determining the cause of the moisture in your room is the best way to understand the correct repair method.
How to repair a damp wall
The first step in fighting moisture on the inner fronts is to repair by detecting problems that allow water to enter the walls. For example, as long as the old plumbing through the walls leaks, mold stains on that surface will be repeated shortly, even if it is repaired. The damp wall repair is a work that needs to be done with the co-operation of the plumber and the painter.
The plumber fixes it by finding the cause of the moisture. Before you start painting, you have to wait for the moisture on the wall to dry for 5-6 days. The next job is with the painter. First, the raised paint that cannot hold on the surface is scraped with extensive proof. If the result of scraping is deep holes or gaps on the surface, the wall is flattened by plastering with mortar. Due to the water-absorbing feature, plaster and similar substances should not be used for filling. After thoroughly mixing the moisture paint, the satin roll is driven 2-3 times to the damaged surface, waiting 8 hours between floors. And finally, it applies the wall paint to the surface. Even if the damp area is a small place, painting the entire wall will be the most healthy image.
Factors that affect wall repair costs
*the size of the damage on the walls
*the size of the walls
*materials and quality to use